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Speaking and Services


I have been speaking to groups across the country for 10 years. I speak mostly at women’s events, such as breakfasts, lunches, special events and conferences. Currently, due to family obligations, I'm limiting my speaking to writing conferences, organizing events and some womens events locally.

I Used to Be So Organized: Reclaiming Order and Peace in your Crazy Life
Single presentation

Many women feel overwhelmed because they can’t seem to get a handle on their lives. They know, deep in their hearts, they should be able to manage things. Because, after all, they used to be organized. But now, life hands them one distraction and challenge after another. And just when they think they have “caught up” (whatever that means), something else happens. Combining spiritual encouragement, humor and practical application, this presentation offers a balanced approach to finding order and peace for today’s overwhelmed woman.

  • Identify simple changes you can make to increase the peace in your day.
  • Increase your motivation for tackling messes at home and the office.
  • Conquer paper clutter for good.
  • Develop strategies for managing your time.

Is There More to Life Than This?
Single presentation

At some point in their lives, many women ask, “Is there more to life than this?” Getting married, having children, pursuing a career and checking items off a to-do list are good things, but the satisfaction from them never lasts long. Can significance and purpose be found in what we do? If not, how can we discover what really matters? In this presentation, you’ll learn what really matters in life means discovering who we are rather, than in what we do.
  • Find greater meaning in the everyday things of life.
  • Evaluate the condition of your heart and position yourself for God’s blessings.
  • Identify and break free from destructive thought patterns.
  • Develop the courage to stand firm in your faith in spite of challenges.

Who Pressed Fast Forward?
Single Presentation

In our achievement-oriented world, it’s easy to be overwhelmed mentally, overwrought emotionally and under-fed spiritually. We wake up in neutral and shift into over-drive by the time we’ve finished our first cup of coffee. Our days are so filled with responding to the urgent that we often neglect our priorities and miss God’s best for our lives. By identifying our priorities implementing a few key strategies, we can be fully present, and find a renewed sense of peace and purpose. In this presentation you’ll discover how to:
  • Enrich your relationships by being fully present.
  • Master your time instead of it mastering you.
  • Differentiate between good things and God’s best for you.
  • Experience greater clarity of thought by simplifying your schedule.

Faith Café Conference: Brewing Bold Faith
Two-day Conference with breakout sessions

Glynnis partners with fellow speaker Susanne Scheppman in this two-day conference, including three or four main sessions and two optional breakout sessions. Glynnis and Susanne, both Starbucks fanatics, use coffee themes to explore a more vibrant Christian life. Busy women will appreciate the intentional and practical messages and will leave inspired and equipped to brew up a fresh approach to life and faith. In this conference you will:
  • Replace fear-filled thoughts with hope-filled practices.
  • Discern healthy truths about your future from destructive lies.
  • Increase contentment with your current circumstances.
  • Improve your attitude by implementing simple changes in your daily life.

When Your Child is Hurting (based on Glynnis’ book by the same name)
Single presentation

A child’s pain can bring out the overprotective momma bear in us. Someone teases, leaves out or bullies our child and we step into protection mode to make sure it never happens again. Are we helping our children, or hurting them when we try to protect them? Glynnis shares why some pain is good, how overprotection can actually hinder a child’s confidence, and how parents can equip their children to deal with pain in a healthy and God-honoring way.  Parents will learn to:
  • Identify and replace fear-driven decisions with confidence.
  • Equip children to deal with life’s disappointments.
  • Teach children to stand firm against bullies, thereby increasing their confidence.
  • Bring hope to situations that previously looked hopeless.

The Heart of a Woman: Her Legacy, His Promise, Your Potential

Scripture is clear that God looks past the surface of our lives and peers directly into our hearts. In the Bible, we find stories of women whose hearts pleased God, in spite of their imperfect lives. From Rahab, who got past her past; to Mary the mother of Jesus who had a predetermined heart to say “yes,” we’ll dig deep into Scripture to uncover how God sees what the world misses, and the potential and possibilities that holds for us today. This conference will help you:
  • Increase your confidence in finding God’s will for your life.
  • Evaluate your attitude and position yourself for God’s blessings.
  • Overcome what you see as limitations to serving God.
  • Discover untapped reservoirs of strength to face life’s challenges.

Glynnis also has other seasonal topics for Easter, Mother’s Day and Christmas.  To discuss an event, please e-mail Glynnis at gwhitwer@cox.net.