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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Clutter dominates our storage

Clutter takes up an average of 50% of our storage spaces, according to the National Association of Professional Organizers.  

That means that 50% of the contents of our closets, garages, under-the-bed spaces, drawers and cabinets probably shouldn't be there.

What if instead of trying to organize your messy spaces, you just decided to remove what doesn't belong?  Would that be easier than "organizing"? Sometimes it's overwhelming to try and do everything at once.  Here are some tips to just focus on eliminating what you don't need:

  • Throw away damaged items that have no life left in them.
  • Bag clothing that is out of style, and donate to Goodwill or your local resale store for charity.
  • Take professional clothing you no longer wear to a single moms ministry.
  • Wash, sanitize and repair children's toys.  Take to a shelter for abused women with children.
  • Donate extra books to the library.
  • Sell extra books to a used bookstore for credit.
  • Sell items on Craigslist or E-bay
Before you can organize anything, you've got to get rid of clutter.  Otherwise you are just moving stuff around, and that's a waste of your time and space.

Grace and Peace,


My book will soon be available!   You can pre-order at Proverbs 31 Ministries or Amazon.

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