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Friday, June 4, 2010


Thanks for stopping by today.  As I mentioned, I haven't done much but put this up.  I'm working on a schedule of simple organizing tips to share throughout the year. 

So if you are looking for simple ways to organize your life, please sign up to receive posts.

I can't wait to get started next week.

In His Love,



  1. What a beautiful blog design and purpose!!!!

  2. Can't wait for it to be up and running! Need all the tips I can get!!

  3. I'm constantly fighting to be organized--especially my craft area! Either I need to throw/give things away or get a larger area WITH better organization!

    Thanks for sharing with us...looking forward to your tips!

  4. I am so organization-challenged. My biggest problem is stacks of paper on just about every surface (all important papers of course!?). Trying to dig my way out, but it's not easy. I will welcome every tip you post.

  5. Oh, I am so with you, Glynnis. It is so much easier to just put (whatever) down close to where it belongs rather than going the "extra mile" and finishing the task. My challenge is the mail that comes into my home. Where to put it?!? I know I should only handle it once but for some reason it sits on the countertop and then gets moved to the table, etc. I'm really looking forward to any tips you have to help get better organized.


  6. Wow! I can't wait to get started. I'm that woman that never finishes what I start when it comes to putting things away. It's like I have a mental block when it comes to organization. I watch my 12 year old son organize his room and I'm amazed. I believe some of us were born with the gift of organization, and I suffer through trying to be organized. Any practical tips would be so appreciated.
