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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Organizing all those school papers

Every year my kids bring home stacks of school papers.  It's actually homework for me.

These papers include individual classroom policies, behavior contracts, school handbooks, sports rules, classroom lists, and so on.  Then there are papers from Girl Scouts, Pop Warner, PTSO and a variety of other short-term commitments.  They aren't papers I want to keep forever, but I know we'll reference them during the school year.

When my children were small I developed a simple, affordable system for keeping track of all these papers.  This is so low-tech it's embarrassing.  But it works and it costs almost nothing.

At the beginning of the school year, when pocket folders are cheap, I pick up extras.  With a Sharpie marker, I write each child's name on the front.  I also assign a folder for each short-term commitment.  Then, I tuck papers inside the folder, and the folders are put in one drawer.  Or, they could be put in a book case.

My son Josh is a sophomore in college, and I still have the pocket folder I created for him in 4th grade.  It's the best 20 cents I've ever spent.

How do you organize your child's school papers?

In His Love,



  1. Oh! Hooray!
    I feel so organizationally challenged...and yet this is how I organize my three daughters' papers. Thanks, Glynnis. You have made me feel like there may be hope for me! :)

  2. dear glynnis,

    i have been perusing your blog and love
    all the practical, no nonsense advice. i
    wish you had been around when my five
    were younger!

    i can still learn lots from you!
